
First star, last snowflake (the video side)

Gaëlle Boucand, Edouard Decam, Dorian Degoutte, Marine Hugonnier

The Température locale Season
First star, last snowflake (the video side) - Villa du Parc

Marine Hugonnier, The Last Tour, 2004

First star, last snowflake (the video side) - Villa du Parc

Dorian Degoutte, Le Grand Vide, 2016

First star, last snowflake (the video side) - Villa du Parc

Edouard Decam, Volva, 2016

First star, last snowflake (the video side) - Villa du Parc

Gaëlle Boucand, ALPES 500-3000m 2010-1970, 2011